Bev Ritland, MDiv, LCSW
University of Phoenix: Counseling Supervision
Post Graduate Residency: Phoenix Interfaith Counseling Center
M.S.W University of Denver
Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado, Contemplative Psychotherapy
M.Div. Garrett- Evangelical Theological Seminary, Evanston, Illinois
B.A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Social Work
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Member- American Association of Pastoral Counselors
Clinical Experience:
Owner, Therapist, The Counseling Covenant, LLC
Conciliation Services Department- Maricopa Superior Court
Psychotherapist- Arizona Interfaith Counseling Center
Medical Social Worker-Good Samaritan Medical Center
Crisis Intervention Counselor-Samaritan Health Care
I bring 25 years
of counseling experience
some really great education
to each session.
The moment is already present.
15152 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd
Scottsdale, Arizona
7598 S. Liberty School Road
Buckeye, Arizona